Friday, November 4, 2016

How To Make Safe Drinking Water

Often natural disasters like hurricanes make water unsafe to drink.  Here are a few tips to protect your family from contaminated water.

(Step One: Pre-filter the water)
If the water looks dirty, pre-filter it through any porous fabric such as a cotton t-shirt. The clearer the water, the less time it takes to disinfect.

(Step Two: Disinfect the water)
Choose any one of the following three methods to kill harmful water-borne pathogens:

1) Boiling
Bring the water to a rolling boil. Let the water cool. The water is now safe to drink. Or,

2) Chlorine Dioxide Tablets
Always read manufacturer's instructions on package.  We recommend a contact time of at least 30 minutes.  Or,

3) Chlorine Bleach
Add three to five drops of household chlorine bleach to one quart or liter of water. We recommend a contact time of at least 30 minutes. (Unlike boiling and chlorine dioxide, bleach does not kill cryptosporidium.  Use bleach only if you cannot use one of the other two disinfection methods.)

If you have any questions, please post them. We will answer them.

Links to videos demonstrating how to build fire:

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